Performed by:
CLAUDIA FERRETTI: lead vocals and backing vocals MARCO FRANZONI: electric and acoustic guitars, baritone guitar, keyboards, piano, wurlitzer, harmonium, bass and percussions BEPPE FACCHETTI : drums and percussions NICOLA PANTEGHINI: electric guitar on Average Man and bouzuki on Stellar Wind RONNIE AMIGHETTI : drum on Keep Calm and Breathe Written, produced and performed by CLAUDIA FERRETTI and MARCO FRANZONI Mixed and mastered by MARCO FRANZONI at Bluefemme Stereorec (Brescia – Italy) Artistic production: MARCO FRANZONI Recorded by MARCO FRANZONI and RONNIE AMIGHETTI Artwork and illustrations: NOEMI TAVA Photography : FRANCESCO DE GENNARO and LAURA BERTINI Label: Hashtag - Bluefemme Stereorec |
"Vai bambina e fermati in quel momento in cui tutto è già accaduto. Corri dove puoi assaporare. Fermati dove la gioia è già culminata e dove la tristezza si è esaurita. Qui la quiete diventa attesa. Qui il tempo si ferma e ciò che non sai può aspettare. Qui ci sei solo tu bambina. È tempo di te." Claudia Ferretti (Claudia Is On The Sofa) Time of Me è la meraviglia di osservare i momenti vissuti senza porsi domande sul futuro. È perdersi in una casa delle bambole, falsa e quindi perfetta. È la notte di una strada trafficata che diventa una giostra sotto la lente di una cinepresa. È un pic-nic in famiglia all’ombra di Twin Peaks. Esistono dei momenti che riesci a vivere solo da fuori. Quando la tristezza è esaurita e l’euforia si è calmata. Quando scopri il tuo posto ed è tempo di te. you can buy time of me
"Go baby, go.
You will run tonight.
Go baby and stop there, where all is done.
Run ‘till you can feel yourself.
Here joy is culminated and sadness has run out.
Here the stillness becomes pending.
Tonight time stops and you do not think about tomorrow.
There is only you baby. Time of you"
Time of Me is the wonder of observing life without asking questions about the future.
There are moments that you can only live from the outside. When the sadness is exhausted and the happiness has calmed.
When you discover your place and it is the time of you.
Claudia Ferretti (Claudia Is On the Sofa)
You will run tonight.
Go baby and stop there, where all is done.
Run ‘till you can feel yourself.
Here joy is culminated and sadness has run out.
Here the stillness becomes pending.
Tonight time stops and you do not think about tomorrow.
There is only you baby. Time of you"
Time of Me is the wonder of observing life without asking questions about the future.
There are moments that you can only live from the outside. When the sadness is exhausted and the happiness has calmed.
When you discover your place and it is the time of you.
Claudia Ferretti (Claudia Is On the Sofa)